Use Grafana =========== Mysql ----- Add user and give SELECT rights : .. code-block:: shell sudo mysql -uroot -p -e "GRANT SELECT ON PyScada_db.* TO 'Grafana-user'@'localhost' IDENTIFIED BY 'Grafana-user-password';" Nginx ----- Add in `/etc/nginx/nginx.conf` after ``http { ... }`` : :: include /etc/nginx/grafana-access.conf; Create `/etc/nginx/grafana-access.conf` with : :: stream { # MySQL server server { listen 3305; proxy_pass; proxy_timeout 60s; proxy_connect_timeout 30s; } } Restart Nginx : .. code-block:: shell sudo systemctl restart nginx Grafana ------- Add MySQL datasource : - Host : - Local : `/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock` - Remote : SERVER_WITH_NGINX_IP:3305 - Database : ``PyScada_db`` - User : ``Grafana-user`` - Password : ``Grafana-user-password`` Create a dashboard: - Or import the `example dashboard `_. - Or for example, add theses variables : set ``refresh on dashboard load``, ``multi-value`` and ``all option`` : - Add mysql datasource variable (type Datasource). - Add variables with type query using ``$Datasource`` : - Protocols : ``SELECT protocol AS __text, id AS __value FROM pyscada_deviceprotocol`` - Devices : ``SELECT d.short_name AS __text, AS __value FROM pyscada_device d WHERE d.protocol_id IN (${Protocols}) AND = 1`` - Units : ``SELECT u.unit AS __text, AS __value FROM pyscada_unit u`` - Variables : ``SELECT AS __text, AS __value FROM pyscada_variable v WHERE v.device_id IN (${Devices}) AND v.unit_id IN (${Units}) AND = 1`` - Time group (type Interval) : ``1s,10s,1m,10m,30m,1h,6h,12h,1d,7d,14d,30d,1M`` - Null as (type custom) : ``0, NULL, previous`` - Example query : .. code-block:: SELECT $__timeGroupAlias(r.date_saved,$time_group), avg(IFNULL(r.value_float64, 0.0) + IFNULL(r.value_int64, 0.0) + IFNULL(r.value_int32, 0.0) + IFNULL(r.value_int16, 0.0) + IFNULL(r.value_boolean, 0.0)), AS metric FROM pyscada_recordeddata as r JOIN pyscada_variable v ON r.variable_id = WHERE $__timeFilter(r.date_saved) AND r.variable_id IN (${Variables}) GROUP BY time, metric ORDER BY $__timeGroup(r.date_saved,$time_group,$null_as) Embed in pyscada HMI -------------------- Edit Grafana config file: .. code-block:: shell sudo nano /etc/grafana/grafana.ini Find and set : - allow_embedding = true - For localhost grafana : root_url = http://localhost:3000/grafana/ For localhost grafana add in `/etc/nginx/sites-enabled/pyscada.conf` : :: location /grafana/ { proxy_pass; } Restart Grafana server: .. code-block:: shell sudo systemctl restart grafana-server.service Create a custom html panel with the code from a dashboard or a panel from sharing options in grafana Other ----- use ssl :