
This Version of PyScada is BETA software and may have serious bugs which may cause damage to your computer, automation hardware and data. It is not intended for use in production systems! You use this Software on your own risk!


This installation guide covers the installation of PyScada for Debian 10/11 , Raspberry Pi OS based Linux systems using MariaDB as Database, Gunicorn as WSGI HTTP Server and nginx as HTTP Server.

Scripts available

The script let you choose between 2 installation type : system or docker and create a log file of the installation.

Then it call the script or depending on your choice.

Automatic installation on Debian and derivatives

  1. Choose a method to download PyScada :

  • by cloning the repository :

sudo apt install git
git clone
cd PyScada
  • by downloading the zip file and extracting it :

sudo apt install wget
wget -O
sudo apt install unzip
unzip ./
rm ./
cd PyScada-main
  1. Install PyScada


For a new installation, make sure to answer “no” to the question “Update only”.

You will have to choose :

  • if you want to install PyScada on the system or in a docker container.

  • if the system date is correct (system install only)

  • if you want to use a proxy (system install only)

  • if you want to install channels and redis to speed up communications inter pyscada processes (system install only)

  • if you want to update only, if not :

    • the DB name, user and password

    • admin name and mail to send error logs (need further django email configuration in

    • the first pyscada user credentials

    • if you want that pyscada plugins are automatically added in INSTALLED_APPS

Run :

sudo ./


If you already installed PyScada using docker, you need to delete the db_data docker volume using :

docker volume rm docker_dbdata